Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It's the little things

One of my favorite things about Texas is Blue Bell Ice Cream. When I was a kid we would drive from Michigan to Texas to visit my Grandparents and the thing I looked forward to the most was Bluebell. Seriously, no other ice cream can compare to this deliciousness. A friend of mine that now lives in Colorado paid 35 dollars to have it shipped to her because she missed it so much. Texans do not kid around about this stuff.

Today my son's preschool teacher asked the kids what their favorite ice cream was. The kids gave the typical answers- chocolate, vanilla, chocolate chip etc. and then there was my son, BLUEBELL! Since the other kids are all Texans too, they quickly agreed that Bluebell is indeed the best. Apparently we start the ice cream brainwashing early.

As luck would have it, Bluebell was on sale today, so now my son and I are enjoying bowl of ice cream for lunch. It makes the nasty weather seem just a little bit better. It's the little things.

* I was not paid to say this. Although I will let it be known that getting paid to promote Bluebell would just be the bestest thing ever. Did you hear that Bluebell? I'm available at your convenience! 

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