Monday, February 9, 2015

Book Review- "Beyond All Dreams"

"Beyond All Dreams" by Elizabeth Camden

I've read several of Elizabeth Camden's books before and this one is my new favorite. I knew I would like Anna O' Brien as a main character for the beginning of the book. Anna works for the Library of Congress and has a love for maps, information, and books. She let her love of books and maps get in the way of her living real life as many of us book lovers do and I found myself relating to her circumstances. Books and maps are her escape and because of that she doesn't easily recognize love in the real world.

The history in this book was amazing. I loved learning about the Library of Congress and how things used to work. I enjoyed the Washington politics which pale in comparison to today's but were still fascinating to read about. Elizabeth Camden wove the history into the story expertly and inspired me to look up several of the events mentioned in the book to I could learn more.

My only criticism of this book was the love story. For a large portion of the book the two main characters have these fundamental flaws keeping them apart. Then suddenly they are magically fixed in no time because the characters changed overnight. I just didn't by it. Otherwise this was an enjoyable book that I will definitely read again and I would recommend that anyone read it.

I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for a review. 

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