Monday, January 12, 2015

Fibromyalgia and weather changes

It's freaking cold outside. My grumpy cat mug is my new best friend. Despite the fact that I was born and raised practically in the frozen tundra, living in the south has really made me a wimp.  It's 35 degrees out and I'm freeeeezing. Still, I'm really enjoying not wearing shorts, not having to shave my legs every day, no bugs, not sweating when I blow dry my hair, wearing cute boots, and getting to drink hot chocolate.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will actually stay cold for a while because during the months of November and December the temperature kept changing back and forth. In the morning it would start out around 75 degrees with 1000 % humidity so I had to have the air conditioning on. By nighttime it would be 45 degrees and I'd have to switch on the heat. The weather kept doing this for months! It's a little sad how long it took me to realize the reason I was in so much pain was because of the crazy weather.

I always thought weather effecting pain was mostly a myth (and there are plenty of studies out there saying that), but apparently some scientists believe it's related to barometric pressure. The barometric pressure drops when bad weather sets in. The lower air pressure pushes less against the body, which allows tissues to expand putting pressure on the joint. Also people in chronic pain have nerves that can become more sensitized because of inflammation. The problem with fibromyalgia patients is that we react so variably to weather. Some people are more effected by cold, some by heat, and some by humidity, which has led some studies to erroneously conclude weather doesn't effect fibromites at all. What is comes down to is the weather conditions may not be important, but the weather changes that effect us the most. Ding Ding we have a winner! That's my experience exactly. However, there has not been a lot of research done on this issue and I hope to see some done in the future.


  1. Yikes this is so true. This has been a painful winter with weather systems all over the place. Not fun!

    1. The weather has been killing me this year! I wish it could just make up it's mind and stick to a season.
